Be Inspired!
Author: Kimberly Blaker
Make the Most of Thanksgiving Day
Children, teens, custodial and noncustodial parents and stepparents – with a summer visitation trip on the horizon, both the kids…
During the cold winter months, life slows down as both people and animals take shelter to stay warm. While some…
Places, Activities and Toys for Active Minds
Which One is Best for Your Child?
Regardless of your approach to parenting, one thing all parents can agree on is child safety. It seems like new…
Despite the joys and rewards of being a parent, the responsibility of raising kids often leaves parents with little time…
Today, it’s more crucial than ever that boys and girls alike develop a keen interest in science, technology, engineering and…
Summer Sun-Safety
How to Make the Most of Your Getaway
Getting Past Your Child’s Fears and What to Look for in Classes
Your Kids Will Love and That You Approve
15 Indoor Activities to Brighten a Gloomy Day
Most often, children’s visits to the dentist are a positive experience for parents and kids alike. Despite this, between 9…
Put Your Critical Thinking Cap On “Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.” -…